We call on the South Australian government to lead a powerful response to climate change.

We are South Australian leaders, organisations and businesses of all sizes and across all sectors with a program for action on climate change and biodiversity protection.


We have jointly endorsed a concrete program of action to address climate change and to protect our unique environment.

The program provides the basis for a comprehensive Climate Action Plan that engages the energy, creativity and expertise of our signatories and the broader SA community.

We are not engaged in party politics. We seek simply to strengthen the resolve of the government to lead the way for the SA community, our industry, institutions and agriculture.

How you can help call for stronger action

You can influence the SA government’s climate plans by participating in the biggest community conversation ever seen in Australia on climate change.


Why Stronger Action is good for South Australia

A clear majority of South Australians want to see stronger action on climate change.

South Australia has a lot to gain by taking action now, and we are well-placed to improve our climate future and build a new economy powered by clean energy.

Our state is already leading in clean electricity and we have a track record in bipartisan approaches to climate and energy policy. This is the ideal place to demonstrate what state governments can do.

The time is right. There is strong support across SA for the actions we propose, and many organisations and businesses are moving forward with climate smart innovations and investment.